BREAKING: UPB leads the RoNaQCI consortium - EuroQCI
Quantum @ CS, UPB: Blog

On 20-21 June 2024 RoNaQCI @ Iasi.

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In February 2024 RoNaQCI @ PTQCI Workshop, Aveiro, Portugal.

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In January 2024 RoNaQCI @ QCI Days Vienna, Austria.

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In last week before Christmas 2023 our team offered a Special Christmas Training Session in Basic Quantum Knowledge.

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On 14 Nov 2023 Grand Opening MSc. Quantum Computing @ UPB.

On 12-13 Oct 2023 RoNaQCI @ Timisoara.

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In June 2023, the first video conference over a post-quantum VPN from Romania, enhanced by QKD was successfully tested in UPB.

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In June 2023, the first Unconditionally-Secure Transmission from Romania enhanced by OTP & QKD was successfully tested in UPB.

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In May 2023, the first Master Program quantum related from Romania, Quantum Computing, opened for admissions.

In March 2023 RoNaQCI kickoff meeting @ UPB.

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In January 2023 the first Romanian QKD Network has been installed and integrated within the UPB's communications infrastructure.

On January 1st 2023, RoNaQCI - Romanian National Quantum Communication Infrastructure has started, led by the UPB quantum team. RoNaQCI is part of the EuroQCI and represents, for Romania, a major step forward towards quantum communications. The project involves 12 universities, 7 research institutes, 3 national agencies, 3 private companies and 5 relevant stakeholders.

In 2022, the first QKD equipment has arrived @ UPB.

In 2021, UPB approved the first Romanian master's programme in quantum computing @ Computer Science and Engineering Department.

In 2019, the first complete Romanian quantum computing manual was published - Provocările Calculului Cuantic. The book is coauthored by one of the most prestigious Romanian mathematicians, the late prof. em. Octavian Stănășilă.

In 2017, the Computer Science and Engineering Department introduced the first complete lecture on Quantum Computing from Romania - Introduction to Quantum Computing.

Beginning of 2015, a small group of people led by prof. P.G. Popescu and under the mentorship of prof. N. Țăpuș began laying the foundation of quantum computing and quantum information in the CS Department.

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